Rocket App – UI Design

– An Interactive app for teachers to learn the student’s names.
– This project is focused on UI Design.

Rocket is an interactive and playful mobile app for teachers to learn student’s names. The teacher can create classes and can invite students to fill their profile. The teacher can learn the names in a game by guessing the names based on a picture or match hobbies or interests.

Roles and responsibilities

Complete UI design done by me.
This is just a UI/UX design case study (personal project)

Used Tools:
Sketch (UI Prototyping)
Flinto (Micro Interactions)
Overflow (User Flows)
Illustrator (Logo)
Photoshop (Mockups)

Rocket logo

Created with Adobe Illustrator.




Onley two shades of blue is used in the app.

Starting with paper wireframes and prototype.

Wireframes and low-fi prototyping

I created my first drafts/wireframes for the app with pen and paper.

I continued by building my first interactive prototype on the phone with this paper wireframes therefor; I used the app POP from Marvel.

User flows – Low fidelity

Open PDF

User flows – High fidelity

Open PDF


High-fi Prototype